Sermons: March 26, 2023: 4th Sunday of Lent
Offered by Father John Baize.
Offered by Father John Baize.
Beloved in Christ,
Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.
THIS WEEK: December 11 – 18, 2022
This Week: The Advent Fast Began Tuesday, November 15, and continues through Divine Liturgy on Saturday, December 24.
Other Notes
(1) ADVENT FAST: The Advent/Christmas Fast begins on November 15. During this season we will celebrate the Advent Paraklesis (Supplication) Service several times. During the Advent Fast, we abstain from meat & dairy products. However, fish, wine and oil are allowed on all days of the week except Mon/Wed/Fri.
(2) METROPOLITAN ANTONIOS VISIT: His Eminence, Metropolitan Antonios, our Patriarchal Vicar of the Archdiocese, plans to visit Wichita Monday, Dec 19 – Tuesday, Dec 20. We will celebrate Great Vespers with him @ St George on Dec 19 at 6:00 pm. The following evening @ St George we will have Daily Vespers at 6:45 pm and a “Meet & Greet” reception with him immediately following.
(3) BELLES CHRISTMAS PARTY: All women of the church are invited to The Belles of St. Mary annual Christmas Party on Monday, December 12. The party will be held at the home of Dn. James and Sh. Rosemary at 6:00 p.m. The address is 13213 Bridlewood Ct., Wichita. Please bring a Lenten dish to share at the potluck dinner. No need to bring a gift.
(4) TEEN FUNDRAISER: Our teens are having a Christmas fundraiser. Please note: The deadline to order is Tuesday, December 13.
(5) POTLUCK COFFEE HOUR HELP NEEDED: Beginning in January 2023 we will be having a monthly Potluck Coffee Hour. Normally, these will be held the first Sunday of the month unless there is a holiday or unless a parishioner wishes to host coffee hour in memory or honor of a loved one (please contact Fr Aaron to request). Our first such coffee hour will be Sunday, January 8. For these coffee hours, we need two volunteers to oversee the setup and clean up. These duties would primarily consist of preparing the coffee and cleaning it up, setting out plates and silverware, and serving utensils. Everyone is asked to help with clean up, cleaning tables, washing any utensils, etc. This is a wonderful opportunity for people to help with coffee hour who normally do not volunteer because of concerns about feeding the entire parish! If you would like to volunteer to help and you do not know what to do, please let Fr Aaron know and we will train you. You may sign up in the Holy Bread book that is kept in the church hall. There is a place to sign up on each of the planned Potluck Coffee Hour dates.
(6) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here:
(7) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Aaron
Offered by Father John Baize.
Offered by Father Aaron Warwick.
Offered by Father Aaron Warwick.
Offered by Father Aaron Warwick.
Beloved in Christ,
Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.
This Week: We observe the Lenten fast on all days of the week; wine/oil allowed on Sat/Sun.
(1) LAZARUS SATURDAY AT THE CHANCERY: All parishioners, and most especially those with young children, are invited and encouraged to attend the annual “Children’s Day at the Chancery” on Lazarus Saturday, April 16. Details, including requested donations for The Treehouse, are below.
(2) PASCHAL BANQUET: For this year’s Paschal Banquet, the parish is providing fried chicken tenders. We ask all our parishioners to bring a side dish and/or dessert to share with others. As always, people are also welcome to bring their own basket of some of their favorite goodies.
(3) FESTIVAL MARKETPLACE: One of the most important aspects of our annual Mediterranean Festival is our Marketplace. While we do sell many items that are authentically “Mediterranean,” we also make rooms for lots of other baked goods/goodies that are not. As these items are donated by our parishioners, the sales from the Marketplace are pure profit to the church. We appreciate all contributions!
(4) SUMMER GARAGE SALE: The St. Mary 90th Anniversary Team will be holding a garage sale this summer to raise funds for our $25,000 goal for Wichita’s Littlest Heroes. We welcome your items for our sale! Please bring items to the church during Curt’s hours of M-F, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Curt knows where the items should be stored. Please do NOT bring items and leave them in the hall! Please, NO CLOTHING and NO LARGE FURNITURE PIECES. If you have questions, please contact Laura Stanley or Tracy Namee. Thank you!
(5) PARISH LIFE CONFERENCE: The Parish Life Conference this year is in Wichita (hosted by St George Cathedral). You can learn more about it and register here: The dates are June 15 – 18 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
(6) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here:
(7) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Aaron
Beloved in Christ,
Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.
THIS WEEK: February 28 – March 7, 2022
This Week: We abstain from meat on all days of the week; fish, eggs, cheese, etc., allowed on all days of the week, including Wed/Fri.
Other Notes
(1) “MAN OF GOD” FILM: “Man of God,” a film about the life of St Nektarios, will be showing at Regal Warren Theatre West (9150 W 21st St N, Wichita, KS 67205) on Monday, March 21, at 7:00 pm. If you would like to purchase a ticket for $13.44/person and attend with our parish, please RSVP to Fr Aaron ( by Sunday, February 27. As of now, this is the only date and time for a showing in Wichita. You can view the video trailer and learn more about the movie here>
(2) THE ENCOUNTER APP: As Tracy Namee announced today, Faithtree Resources recently released an app called “The Encounter” to help us build a healthy habit of daily prayers. In addition, the free app has music available and a place to submit prayer requests. If you would like to check out this app, you can download it from the Google Play Store or from Apple’s App Store.
(3) PRE-SANCTIFIED POTLUCKS: We are thankful to have many new members, catechumens, and inquirers at our parish. We invite all of them and all our parishioners to not only attend the Pre-Sanctified services throughout Lent (as well as the many other services), but to also stay after Pre-Sanctified for our community potluck meal. Please note all items provided for the potluck should be in keeping with the Lenten fast (no meat/dairy). Parishioners may use the refrigerators/freezers for any items that need it during the service and can set out those items following the Pre-Sanctified dismissal.
(4) LENTEN RETREAT: We are excited for Dr. Brad Nassif, a son of our parish, now a professor in the Chicago area, to be our featured speaker. Please see the linked flyer for more details and be sure to share this information with your family and friends.
(5) PARISH LIFE CONFERENCE: The Parish Life Conference this year is in Wichita (hosted by St George Cathedral). You can learn more about it and register here > The dates are June 15 – 18 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
(6) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here>
(7) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Aaron
Beloved in Christ,
Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events. Read more
Beloved in Christ,
Please find our December 2021 Parish Calendar. Notes are also included below about important upcoming services and activities.
HMT NATIVITY PROJECT: The Humanitarian Ministry Team is sponsoring a Nativity Project to benefit the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgwick County. They are collecting items from the Center’s wish list for the children in program. The Advocacy Center is the first place for children who are victims of abuse and before they are placed into a new home. The Agency also offers multiple services including medical, investigatory, mental health and advocacy for the children. The collection begins Sunday, Nov 21, and runs through Sunday, Dec. 12. See the linked flyer for details.
ST MARY CHRISTMAS CARD: As announced at our Annual Meeting, to celebrate our 90th anniversary, one project we are undertaking is to support the non-profit organization, Wichita’s Littlest Heroes. The first fundraising effort is the St Mary Christmas Card. You can see details about how to order this card linked below. Please note the due date to order is Sunday, December 5.
BELLES CHRISTMAS PARTY: The Belles Christmas Party is Monday, December 6, at 6:00 pm at the home of Donna & Robbie Namee. Please see the linked invite below, inviting all women of our parish to attend.
CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: We are happy to announce our annual Christmas Program is back again this year. Details can be found in the linked flyer below. The Program & Potluck are scheduled for Sunday, December 12, beginning at 5:00 pm.
INSTALLATION OF THE 2022 PARISH COUNCIL: Towards the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 19, we will hold the service of installation for the 2022 Parish Council. If you have not already, please turn in your ballot in the drop box in the foyer before Sunday, November 28; alternatively, you can mail in your ballots/drop them off during office hours of Mon-Fri 9:00 am – 3:00 pm.
CHRISTMAS SERVICES: We celebrate several services on Friday, December 24, for the Great Feast of the Nativity in the Flesh of Our Lord & God & Savior Jesus Christ (Christmas). Services are: Royal Hours & Typika (8:00 am); Festal Matins (4:50 pm); and Divine Liturgy (6:00 pm). Following Christmas services, no confessions will be heard, except in cases of emergency, until after the Great Feast of Theophany on January 6.
CHURCH HALL OPEN FOR CHRISTMAS: Once again this year the Church Hall is open for people to celebrate after Divine Liturgy on Friday evening, December 24. The parish will not be providing any food or beverage, but people are welcome to bring their own. As always, please be sure not to drink and drive and to shut the lights off if you are the last person to leave. Please also ensure the doors are locked behind you and you pick up any mess that you make.
BISHOP BASIL’S NAMEDAY: We once again celebrate the Feast of the Circumcision & St Basil the Great (Bishop Basil’s Nameday) on New Year’s Eve at St George Cathedral. Festal Matins at 5:15 pm and Divine Liturgy at 6:30 pm.
Yours in Christ,
Fr Aaron
Sunday: 9 am – Matins
Sunday: 10 am – Divine Liturgy
Saturday: 4:30 pm – Confessions
Saturday: 5 pm – Great Vespers