st mary outside

Looking Ahead at St Mary (August 5 – 12)

Beloved in Christ,

Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.

THIS WEEK: August 5 – 12, 2024
This Week: Dormition Fast August 1 – 14.  
Mon, Aug 5 – Fri, Aug 9: VBS @ St Michael (see link below for details)
Mon, Aug 5 at 4:45 pm – Festal Matins ~ Transfiguration
Mon, Aug 5 at 6:00 pm – Divine Liturgy ~ Transfiguration
Wed, Aug 7 at 6:00 pm – Paraklesis Service
Fri, Aug 9 at 6:00 pm – Paraklesis Service
Sat, Aug 10 at 4:00 pm – Men’s Prayer Group
Sat, Aug 10 at 4:30 pm – Confession
Sat, Aug 10 at 5:00 pm – Great Vespers
Sun, Aug 11 at 9:00 am – Matins
Sun, Aug 11 at 10:00 am – Divine Liturgy
Sun, Aug 11 at 10:30 am – Catechism Class
Mon, Aug 12 at 6:00 pm – Paraklesis Service

Other Notes
(1) DORMITION FAST: The Dormition Fast, during which we prepare for the Falling Asleep (Dormition) and Translation Into Heaven of the Mother of God, began on August 1 and ends each year on August 15. This year, in addition to fasting from meat and dairy products and increasing our almsgiving, we will also celebrate the beautiful Paraklesis Supplication Service the following dates during the fast (at 6:00 pm each date): Thursday, August 1; Wednesday, August 7; Friday, August 9; and Monday, August 12. The fast will conclude with the celebration of Festal Matins (4:45 pm) and Divine Liturgy (6:00 pm) on Wednesday, August 14.

(2) FAMILY PROMISE TRAINING: Training is required for all volunteers who have direct contact with families.  This includes drivers, overnight hosts, and those serving meals. There are two options for completing the three-module training.  Option one; attend a group training session right after liturgy on August 11. This is the best option for anyone who does not have reliable Internet access.  The second option is to complete the training at home, available through this link (Enter your email | Coassemble). This option provides you the most flexibility. Please contact Vicki Jones, 316-650-0658 with any questions.

(3) ST MICHAEL VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Our sister parish, St Michael the Archangel in Park City has invited our children to join their Vacation Bible School August 5 – 9. Details can be found on the linked flyer. Please contact Sally Buxton ( to register ASAP.

(4) ARCHIEPISCOPAL VICAR VISIT: Our new Archiepiscopal Vicar, Fr Calinic Berger, will make an official visit to our parish for our festal weekend. He plans to be with us on Saturday, September 7, for Great Vespers, followed by a meeting with the Parish Council. He will then be with us on Sunday, September 8, for Matins and Divine Liturgy, followed by our festal picnic at Edgemoor Park. Please mark your calendars for this festal weekend now–more details will be coming soon.  

(5) METROPOLITAN SABA’S WEEKLY TEACHING: This week His Eminence shares on “Churching of Newborns.” See the link to read it >

(6) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here: Teach Me Thy Statutes.

parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Aaron