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Looking Ahead at St Mary (September 1 – 9)

Beloved in Christ,

Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.

THIS WEEK: September 1 – September 9, 2024

This Week: Regular Wed/Fri fasting.   

Sun, Sept 1 – Sun, Sept 8: FAMILY PROMISE HOST WEEK (see below)

Wed, Sept 4 at 6:00 pm – Daily Vespers

Wed, Sept 4 at 6:30 pm – Bible Study (Genesis)

Sat, Sept 7 at 4:00 pm – Baptisms & Chrismations


Sat, Sept 7 at 5:00 pm – Great Vespers

Sat, Sept 7 at 6:00 pm – Parish Council Dinner w/Fr Calinic

Sun, Sept 8 at 8:50 am – Festal Matins

Sun, Sept 8 at 10:00 am – Divine Liturgy

Sun, Sept 8 at 12:00 pm – Parish Picnic (see below)

Mon, Sept 9 at 6:30 pm – Belles Fellowship Meeting @ Vicki Jones’s (1824 Northwest Parkway)

Other Notes

(1) FAMILY PROMISE HOST WEEK: St. Mary is hosting families the week of September 1st to September 8th. To volunteer, click on the link below. Opportunities for those who would prefer to sign up in person will be available after liturgy on August 18th and 25th. Sign up includes providing food for breakfast and snacks, evening meals, a hot breakfast Saturday, transportation to and from the Day House, and spending the night at the church. Thanks for your support of this important ministry. Contact Vicki Jones, 650-0658, with any questions.

(2) ARCHIEPISCOPAL VICAR VISIT: Our new Archiepiscopal Vicar, Fr Calinic Berger, will make an official visit to our parish for our festal weekend. He plans to be with us on Saturday, September 7, for Great Vespers, followed by a meeting with the Parish Council. He will then be with us on Sunday, September 8, for Matins and Divine Liturgy, followed by our festal picnic at Edgemoor Park.

(3) BIBLE STUDY LINK: I highly encourage people to attend Daily Vespers and Bible Study in person. For those unable to make it in person, you can join virtually using the following link:  

(4) PARISH PICNIC You’re invited to the St. Mary Feast Day Picnic on Sunday, September 8, for our parish’s feast day in honor of the Nativity (Birth) of the Mother of God. The picnic begins at 12:00 pm at Edgemoor Park, 5815 E. 9th Street. We have reserved the indoor, air-conditioned recreation center for the picnic. The parish will provide fried chicken and water. Please bring side dishes and desserts! Feel free to BYOB (bring your own beverages). Bring your equipment to play a softball game – let’s play ball! There are also nearby pickleball courts and a skateboard park, for anyone interested.

(5) 20/40 FELLOWSHIP: Our 20/40 group (for those ages 20-40 something) meets again on Saturday, September 14, following Great Vespers at 6:00 pm at Central Standard Brewing. All parishioners in this age group are encouraged to attend.

(6) PRE-TEEN MEETING: Our pre-teens are meeting on Sunday, September 15, at noon, with the activity/location TBA soon.

(7) METROPOLITAN SABA’S WEEKLY TEACHING: This week His Eminence shares “Your Grace Transforms the Universe (Part 3).” See the link to read it. 

(8) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here: Teach Me Thy Statutes.

(9) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Aaron