st mary outside

Looking Ahead at St Mary (July 8 – 14)

Beloved in Christ,

Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.

THIS WEEK: July 8 – 14, 2024

This Week: Regular Wed/Fri fasting.  

Sat, July 13 at 4:00 pm – Men’s Prayer Group

Sat, July 13 at 4:30 pm – Confession

Sat, July 13 at 5:00 pm – Great Vespers

Sun, July 14 at 9:00 am – Matins

Sun, July 14 at 10:00 am – Divine Liturgy

Other Notes

(1) LADIES NIGHTS OUT: On Thursday, July 18, at 7:00 pm, all ladies of our parish are invited to Bingo @ Central Standard Brewing for a Ladies Night Out.

(2) LORD’S DINER: On Sunday, July 21, we will need volunteers to serve with members of St George and St Mary at The Lord’s Diner from 5:15 – 7:45 pm. If you are interested in being added to the list of potential volunteers, please let me know. You will then receive the monthly email requesting volunteers for our joint service on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

(3) METROPOLITAN SABA’S WEEKLY TEACHING: This week, His Eminence shares “The Teacher Does Not Retire,” a tribute to Metropolitan George Khodr on the occasion of his 101st birthday. See the link to read it >

(4) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here:

(5) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.

Yours in Christ,


Fr Aaron