Looking Ahead at St Mary (June 16 – 24)

Beloved in Christ,

Below you will find this week’s schedule, as well as some important notes about upcoming events.

THIS WEEK: June 16 – June 24, 2024

This Week: Regular Wed/Fri fasting, but with fish & wine allowed each day of the week.  

Sun, June 16 at 5:00 pm – The Lord’s Diner (contact Fr Aaron if interested in serving this month or any future month)

Thurs, June 20 at 5:30 pm – Parish Council Meeting

Thurs, June 20 at 7:00 pm – Ladies Bingo Night @ Central Standard Brewing

Fri, June 21 – Scroll on Website

Sat, June 22 at 9:00 am – Divine Liturgy ~ Saturday of Souls

Sat, June 22 at 4:30 pm – Confession

Sat, June 22 at 5:00 pm – Great Vespers w/Chrismation of Beth Elliott

Sun, June 23 at 8:45 am – Festal Matins

Sun, June 23 at 10:00 am – Divine Liturgy w/Kneeling Prayers for Pentecost

Sun, June 23 at 5:00 pm – Game Night (BYOG) – Bring Your Own Game

Mon, June 24 at 8:00 am – Divine Liturgy ~ Nativity of St John the Baptist

Other Notes

(1) SATURDAY OF SOULS On Saturday, June 22, we will celebrate the “Saturday of Souls” Divine Liturgy. At this liturgy we ask God to remember and have mercy on all of the departed since the beginning of time. We also will pray specifically for any departed loved ones whom you wish to remember. If you would like for your departed loved ones to be mentioned in prayer by name, please send their names to office@stmarywichita.org, bring a list of names to the parish office, or give us your names by phone no later than 12:00 pm on Tuesday, June 18.

(2) GAME NIGHT: On Sunday evening, June 23, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm, we have a Game Night at the church. We are asking people to BYOG (Bring Your Own Game) to share with others. We have plans for cornball, four-square, a temporary pickleball net, and some board games, so we will have a wide variety of activities available, but we encourage you to bring something you enjoy playing with others as well.

(3) METROPOLITAN SABA’S WEEKLY TEACHING: This week His Eminence shares a teaching on the story of the Blind Man. See the link here to read it >

(4) TEACH ME THY STATUTES PODCAST: If you would like to listen to this week’s Teach Me Thy Statutes podcast (with Fr Aaron & Jason Ewertt), you can find it here: https://tmts.transistor.fm/.

(5) PASTORAL VISITS: If you would like a pastoral visit for any reason, or if you know of a family member/parishioner who needs a visit, please feel free to contact me via cell phone at 204-6725.

Yours in Christ,

Fr Aaron